Politics is fun

New & Noteworthy

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

A Tale of Two Americas

“We spent the last few weeks digging through Census data on congressional districts to get a CIA World Factbook-style portrait of the two countries in the House—the one within all the GOP districts (Republistan) and the one within all the Democratic districts (Democravia). The full results are in a table at the bottom of this post.

We did this with a very simple question in mind: How do the differences between the two nations represented in the House correspond to the larger policy differences between the parties?”


Liz Cheney “philosophically opposed” to Her Sister 

“Mary Cheney shared Poe’s message on the social networking Web site, adding, “Liz — this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree — you’re just wrong — and on the wrong side of history.”


Prime Minister Ford? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Obamacare’s Implications for Ideology 

“Conservative thinkers have already seized on the rocky rollout of Obamacare — and the indefensible management failures it implies — as proof positive that the age-old argument over the proper role of state action in American life has reached a fresh danger point for the Democrats.”


Photo Credit: HuffingtonPost Canada
