Debate Coverage

Debate Pics: Dems vs Repubs on Unions

They may have been in the thick of (friendly) combat, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t look good doing it! Thanks to the artistic and talent photography skills of Swara Salih, we have the evidence to prove it.

please link don't die

From left to right: Jamie Boothe for the Republicans, Austin Heyroth and Sejal Singh for the Democrats, and Emily Tamkin from CPU moderating.

For more pics check after the jump.

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Debate Coverage

CPU Debate: Republicans vs. Dems on Public Sector Unions.

oh noes

Or maybe we don't?

Come on down to Hamilton 602 to witness the friendly yet fierce title bout between the college repubs and dems on this fresh an exciting topic…  Resolved: Public sector employees should not be allowed to form unions.

If you can’t make it, as always, there will be a live blog of the happenings right here on Cub Pub. Stay tuned!

  • *8:18 The debate is beginning and there is only one republican, Jamie Booth, repping  for the republicans to match the dems two debaters. So far the goofy CPU designated coin flipper already botched the coin flip. Off to a great start?
  • 8:21 The dems start, arguing that public sector jobs should be allow to unionize. Saying it’s part of our American right to organize and where employees work doesn’t matter. Jamie from the republicans argues that one cannot collectively bargain with the government as a civil servants. They must put the nation above themselves and thus they shouldn’t be able to demand more benefit for their own personal gain. Rebuttals are ongoing.
  • 8:27 prepared questions are starting. Are tax dollars that ends up going to public sector unions a waste? Dems argue that the question misses the point since peaceful assembly is a constitutional right. Our lone republican argues back saying a peaceful assembly isn’t necessarily a union and vice versa. Both seem to have answered CPU’s question on tax payer dollars.
  • 8:32  Scott Walker, governor from Wisconsin has entered the debate and things get fierce. People either love him or loath him. Well, maybe not love, not dislike?
  • 8:34 second question, income equality rising resulting in less union involvement? jamie argues that lower unions participation is more due to people recognizing that they could do better on their own. Soon the debate turns to a debate over whether works should be forced into unions or not, and both sides fight over it while both agreeing on “no.”
  • 8:37 The dems in the audience are getting really into the debate and things get heavy. The repub debater suggests that unions can only be harmful to the economy which sparks some uproar. Says that unions are “self serving” and endanger the economy.
  • 8:41  Jeannine, prez of the dems, asks Jamie “if we can assemble but not collectively bargain or strike then how much freedom do assemblies really have? Does that mean te government is restrict our freedoms?” Jamie argues that freedom of assembly should be truncated if it endagers the safety of the American people and the solvency of its economy. The dem argue that these freedoms shouldn’t be violated “except in extrem situations like war time.”
  • 8:46 Upon prompting from Ms. Tampkin, the dems come out and say that unions should be allowed to protest and collectively bargain. Dems start talking about Scott Walker again, pointing out how he allowed only unions who supported his election to retain collective bargaining rights.
  • 8:49 dems point out that some law preventing collective bargaining and public sector unions would probably never pass. Well, yeah. Jamie references the Laffer curve, suggesting descreasing taxes on corporations increases tax revenues, which would be true if 70% of a company’s profits went to taxes.
  • 8:52  Difference between government and private sector? Repubs say that public sector employees need to put the country first and must accept cuts without complaint.
  • 8:56 We’ve reached that sweet, hazy part of the debate where people start repeating themselves. The government is the people, it comes first! It’s a fundamental right given to by the constitution! Repeat ad infinitum.
  • 8:59 Jeannine argues that if the government prevents public employees from striking and demanding any more pay then what’s to say that goverment employees shouldn’t work for free, or be paid the minimum. Jamie argues that some positions are essential for the nation, air traffic controllers, ect, and the government has a right to prevent them from striking. They should amicably discuss the situation with their employers without forming “threatening unions that will threat to strike.” Dems are against.
  • 9:05 Jamie admits that he believes that collective bargaining, people coming together to talk with employers, is bad. He thinks that people should talk with employers as individuals. The example of firefighters collectively bargaining for better safety equipment become the hot button issue. Is it too sentimental of an issue? Is collective bargaining only good when they try to get workers better working conditions, not higher pensions?
  • 9:10  When do unions go bad? When do things get excessive? It’s all very unclear. The republican debater soldiers on, saying public sector workers like firefighters can always quit if they dislike the conditions of his job. Dems argue that firefighter skill sets are very specialized, they can’t just quit.
  • 9:11 West Virginia coal mines! Jamie argues it’s an example of unions that work because it’s necessary, in private sectors, and not excessive. Dems argue that change wouldn’t happen without everyone’s right to collective bargaining. And with that we break for closing statements…
  • 9:17 Closing statements begin and there are no surprises. Dems argue that despite the effect on the economy or anyone’s personal opinions, it is a fundamental constitutional right for workers to organize as unions and collectively bargain. Jamie argues that public workers must put the country first and thus shouldn’t “endager society” by collective bargaining. Instead they should come individually to their employers.
  • 9:21  And that’s a wrap. Good debate everyone, despite some hiccups. Check out the events set up by the dems, repubs, and of course, CPU.
Debate Coverage

CTV Debate Coverage!

Last Tuesday the Columbia Political Union held a debate on affirmative action between the College Republicans and Democrats. It was an impressive display from both sides, but if you missed out, don’t fret! We have minute by minute live blog coverage right here. Also, thanks to our friends at CTV we were able to film the debate for your viewing/reviewing pleasure. Want to get a better feel of what went down. or want to relive some juicy moments? Well, we have the closing statements right here, and embedded below we have CTV’s own news piece on the event. Enjoy!

Debate Coverage

Debate Closing Statements!

We know you Cub Pubbers have been waiting patiently for the footage from last Tuesday’s CPU debate between the college democrats and republicans on affirmative action. We’ll the videos are coming in! You’ll be able to watch the edited news story for CTV later this week, but to tide you over we’re sending you the un- edited closing statements! The camera work is a little bit amateurish because someone (read: Cub Pub Editor in Chief Zach Kagan) forgot to bring an extension cord and clear the memory beforehand. But C’est la vie! You can get a pretty good feel for what went down by just watching these closing statements:

Also, The Cub Pub is playing with backgrounds. At time of this posting we have a blue background with white crowns. Do you like it or should be go back to blue and darker blue stripes? Let us know in the comments.

[EDIT] Due to the crowns not formatting well on some browsers we have switched back to the stripes.

Debate Coverage

Dems/Repubs Debate LIVE BLOG: Affirmative Action

*the debate will be less complex than pictured, barely...

The debate has begun! It’s already heating up and arguments are coming fast and fierce. There have already been some unexpected moves. The Dems came out not fully supporting affirmative action, instead stating that everyone wants to see an end of the policy. The question, however, is when. Stay tuned for live updates to this article as the debate unfolds!

  • 8:26 The Republicans are hung up on the prosecution of the Irish Catholics vs African Americans.
  • 8:30 first audience question. Are legacy policies more harmful than affirmative action?
  • 8:33 Dems are busting out studies, talking about how the exposure to people of race in professional and academic settings leads to less discrimination. Repubs rebuttal by saying that’s buying into the logic of racism. Both get snaps from the audience.
  • 8:37 Question from the audience: Is affirmative action harming the chances of other minorities professionally and in academia?
  • 8:40 More prosecution against the Irish! Perhaps the Repubs would have better luck with this line of argument if we were still in the 1850s.
  • 8:43 Question from the audience: What about Native Americans on reservations.
  • 8:45 We have quite the diverse panel: the debaters from the Dems come from Brazil and Alaska, and the Repubs have an Irishman.
  • 8:48 Republicans argue that “one more program” will not solve racism, we can’t let race be a factor. Dems argue that race does affect one’s opportunities in life.
  • 8:52 Repubs argue that we should strive for a meritocracy, and that affirmative action helps people at the cost of promoting a racist mindset.
  • 8:58 Dems argue that there is still measurable racism in this country. The Repubs claim that employers assume that the reason black people with the same resumes as white people are inferior is because “they must have gotten affirmative action”. Audience gasps.
  • 9:00 Audience member challenges the assumption that affluent African Americans don’t face racism. Repubs argue that it doesn’t mean that affirmative action will solve this, saying that “affirmative action doesn’t stop employers from being racist”.
  • 9:08 Repubs argue that affirmative action is a way for polticians to say that they have done something to end racism and then they do no more. Dems argue “who says that?”
  • 9:10 Question from the audience: does affirmative action creates shame amongst minorities when it comes to their relationship to white peers? Dems argue that there are plenty of boosts for white students and professionals, affirmative action is just an equalizer.
  • 9:14 Lots of talk about nigerian ambassadors, someone’s ears are burning! Our Irish friend talks about discrimination in England. Meanwhile, Dems accuse republicans of living in a fantasy world where everyone is equal. It’s really heating up! “Your solution is do nothing, work harder!”
  • 9:19 This is the part of the debate where both sides start to repeat themselves. There are a few gems though. For example, the Repubs just claimed that the dems suggest they are “supporting Jim Crow”.
  • 9:21 Last question: Brazil has a spectrum between white and black, how does affirmative action deal with mixed race children?
  • 9:22 Lots of shouting out the window. What’s going on outside the debate hall? Anyways, the debate has turned into an analysis of various metaphors: weights, scales, etc.

Debates over folks. Thanks to all who cam and the Dems and Repubs for participating. Before the end of the week we will have a video up thanks to our partnership with CTV.

Debate Coverage

Dems/Repubs Debate TONIGHT: Affirmative Action


*may be less civil than pictured

Come down to 703, Hamilton Hall and watch the Columbia Republicans and Democrats duke it out over another controversial topic. This time it’s on affirmative action- well you can’t say they shy away from the tough issues. In all honestly, though, it’s gonna be a blast. Both parties bring their best to these these debates and theres always a memorable moment or two. It’s a can’t miss event but if you somehow manage missing it, The Cub Pub will be there to live blog it for you- because we love you, Columbia.
