Events on Campus, Politics is fun

Cub Pub Scrubdown

Columbia life moves fast, and sometimes we just can’t cover all the events that have been going on. That’s a darn shame, but thankfully our fellow campus pubs pick up the slack with their dedicated writing staff armies. So, in a segment we hope will stick around and a name we hope won’t last, let’s go through these articles. Together. As a family. No you can’t go out with your friends, we have plans. It’ll be just as fun, we promise.

poop deck heh

Pictured: "Fun"

Generation Iraq: Last Wednesday, a small cabal of journalists who’ve covered the Iraq war came to the Journalism School to talk about the effect of the war on Americans, Journalists, and Iraqis. It was a really great panel discussion with highlights coming from photographer Ashley Gilbertson, Iraqi journalist Ali Adeeb, and Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman (if she would only get off her iPad). For more check out Laura Kirchner’s article in Capital, linked above.

Herman Cain does Columbia. Everyone has a take on Cain’s presence, and so far it has been pretty good natured. Spec was taken by Cain’s recital of a song from the Pokemon movie while Bwog amused itself with Cain’s silly question & answer session where he discussed pizza toppings. Both occurrences, we should point out, where already predicted in Cub Pub’s own Cain coverage article from last week. All in all it seemed like everyone had fun. See, we promised didn’t we?

Inside Low and Student Government: Here Spec and the Eye bring us two exposés on what does on behind the iron curtain and the cotton curtain, depending what decision making entity you are talking about. First Michele Cleary and Samuel E. Roth from the Eye clue us in on what’s going on with administration changes in a post-Moody Adams Columbia. Then if you’re looking for an administration with a more personable face, or just looking for a place to chill in Lerner, check out Spec’s newest report on the Student Space Initiative.

And not (yet) covered: Last night Kwame Anthony Appiah, Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy at Princeton and “all-around cool cat,” spoke on honor codes and how they relate with world political events such as the Arab Spring. It was cool, it was informative, it was well attended! Hopefully Spec will jump on it but maybe not because it was a Philolexian Society event that didn’t include bad poetry.

Upcoming Events: Interested in the French elections? Of course you are, everyone is, it’s a silly question. That means you should totally come down to SIPA 302  for a professor panel on them, April 25th at 7:30 PM. See you there!


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